Final Post
Posted by Riyong Wang | Posted on 10:58 PM
I couldn't re-write any post, because I can't remember what I read... So I'm going to write a summary of what I learned from the class.
I learned a few things in class through out the year, I also found some interesting books that I want to read more. Ann Rice's books are definitely one of them.
I know more about zombies. Chinese Zombies and American Zombies are so different. I didn't know what was zombie before, I thought it was...bloody looking people. We call it "僵尸". Chinese zombies are more like vampires, white skin, comes out of coffin and lived for a very long time. They don't talk at all, don't even make a sound, they are just jumping around killing people. Witches can kill them, Taoist priest kind of people. But vampire are smarter than them.
The first time I heard of Cyberpunk. I didn't know what it was, never heard of it. I thought the movie that was playing in the class was interesting, not talking about the actor...
Sci-Fi. After watching that channel for 6 years, I just figured out it was stands for Science Fiction. I used to watch that channel everyday, they had some interesting movies, but now... I think I'm only interesting in "Ghost Hunter" from that channel, their new movies are not as interesting as before.
Sorry about the spelling...
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