Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
10:58 PM
I couldn't re-write any post, because I can't remember what I read... So I'm going to write a summary of what I learned from the class.
I learned a few things in class through out the year, I also found some interesting books that I want to read more. Ann Rice's books are definitely one of them.
I know more about zombies. Chinese Zombies and American Zombies are so different. I didn't know what was zombie before, I thought it was...bloody looking people. We call it "僵尸". Chinese zombies are more like vampires, white skin, comes out of coffin and lived for a very long time. They don't talk at all, don't even make a sound, they are just jumping around killing people. Witches can kill them, Taoist priest kind of people. But vampire are smarter than them.
The first time I heard of Cyberpunk. I didn't know what it was, never heard of it. I thought the movie that was playing in the class was interesting, not talking about the actor...
Sci-Fi. After watching that channel for 6 years, I just figured out it was stands for Science Fiction. I used to watch that channel everyday, they had some interesting movies, but now... I think I'm only interesting in "Ghost Hunter" from that channel, their new movies are not as interesting as before.
Sorry about the spelling...
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
10:57 PM
by J.K Rowling
I started reading Harry Potter when I was in 6th grade, my cousin bought me 3 copies of the book (in Chinese of course) and I got hooked! I stayed up all night to read them. And I'm collecting the movies. I finished the 4th book last couple weeks, finally! I started...7 years ago?
I couldn't read it in English, I didn't understand it at all, I think it was because the language difference, took me minutes to realize what are they talking about.
I didn't find Harry Potter as fun and interesting as before, I think I'm too old to read it again. But I still will watch the movie. I really don't the how they are going to work out with the actors and actresses, they are growing up so fast, Harry is not as cute as before. Daniel Radcliffe looks like an 25, come on, Harry is suppose to be a teenager. The ginger is still gingering.
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
10:03 PM
dir. Stephen Norrington
I got to put this in the blog.
One of my favorite movie of all time, I watched all four of Blade. I think they made a "Blade TV", I didn't watched it.
But the movies are awsome. A different face of vampire, breaking the pale, skinny, sick looking figure of vampire. I think the tattoo on his head is hot, and those blades. Everything on him is just hot.
I think the story line is a little bit boring. A vampire hunter happens to be a vampire who's protecting human, felt in love, but they can't be together, the girl died...etc.
Come on.
But the action and the actors in the movie is too hard to miss, who cares!
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
9:23 PM
So this story was about a gay boys.
I think parents should accept the way their children are. Even though they are homosexual, but they are their children.
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
9:21 PM
by Neil Gaiman
I think this book is entertaining, that's all. I don't know if it was because the language or just me, I don't understand most of fantasy novels...It was the nouns they used... For some reason "fat" always with "Charlie"? If there's a "Charlie", there will be a "Fat" or a "Nerved"... First I thought this book is about homosexual...
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
9:18 PM
I got this movie from Disney for free. I was a member of Disney DVD movie club, I can pick 3 free DVDs every two months I think. I thought the white witch and the lion on the cover was cool looking, so I picked Narnia. The beginning of the movie was ok, normal kids, do things they shouldn't be doing then found something amazing... The Satyr and the Beavers were adorable. There was one part of the movie made me so mad. It was when the Queen and those little things(I forgot what were they called) were torturing and killing the lion, and those kids were just hiding behind the bushes and watching! Come on, they have sorts, knives and a magic bottle thing with them, they could of save the lion. I'll be very very mad if the lion was killed, but luckily he came back alive. I hate this movie, enough to make me not want to watch the second one.
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
9:17 PM
by Phillip Pullman
I am mad! I am mad! I am very very mad! Why don't they make the second movie? Why? That was such a good movie! Nicole Kidman looks good in movie, she's a good actress, I think the character in the Golden Compass suits her better than that Be Witched(my god mother loves that movie, I thought it was boring). Sorry, I just have to shout that out. Back to the book. I like adult novel better, but it was nice to read children fantasy once in a while, it was very relaxing. When I was reading it, I was wondering what my daemons would be if I can have one. I love my lion-head rabbit so much, but I think a snake suits me better, maybe a black persian cat, no no for any type of bug. This book reminds me Harry Potter, they are similar, magic, adventure, kids... It was disturbing to read how people hurt those daemons to me.
Posted by
Riyong Wang
| Posted on
9:06 PM
by J.R.R. Tolkien
This was what was in my head when I was reading this book(was was was), "???凸-_-" It was boring and I didn't get it. So I skipped to the middle of the book. I watched The Lord of The Rings(3 of them) long time ago, I didn't understand the beginning at all. Where are those little people from? What do they do? How did that old dude get that ring? What does that ring do exactly? After I read this book, the movie made more sense. But the book started confused me. I guess it's how Tolkien writes? Is he going to write a "pre-hobbit"? Anyways... I don't like to read, not a fan of fantasy is making it harder for me. I didn't finish the book, but i like the movie.